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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Balance Act of Love

I have been pondering the balancing act of life of late. In fact, I have come to the conclusion that quite often LIFE gets in the way of LIVING.

I have even left this phrase as a comment once or twice this past week on articles published by friends. Yesterday I wrote myself a note to write about the topic of life getting in the way of living and loving.

Well, today, I have reason to pretty much table that article; rather, table the time frame of the writing as well as the reason for writing on the topic. Life is a balancing act, as most of you well know. We must often weigh work and responsibility against love and laughter. Today, I choose to balance the two alongside one another because of an article written by a friend which tipped the scales right over!

Each Thursday, my friend Brenda publishes a blog post through her blog hop Pondering With A Purpose. Brenda issues a writing prompt and all are welcome to write their own blog post and link it up with hers through the blog hop.

The Pondering With a Purpose writing prompt for this week?


That word is linked directly to her post. Go ahead, click on it, read it! I did! And it touched my heart to tears when I did so.

On my list of ToDos for the day was to post my blog article for my own blog hop, SHARE the LOVE. When I weighed that responsibility with my work day it was plain to see that I could not in all good conscience write my blog post without love and laughter tipping the scales in Brenda's direction.

So today, I share the love with Ms. Brenda and I ask that you do same. Read her post. Introduce yourself. Leave her a comment to let her know she is loved or say something to give her good reason to smile.

And if you feel the need to commit a balance act of love for yourself or someone else--blog about it and link right up with SHARE the LOVE.


  1. so so true, sometimes we are so busy trying to create the perfect life: we forget to enjoy the one we already got. And end to the glorification of busy I say!

    1. Amen, Rory! Busy is not always productive. And yes, every breath we take in this life is worthy of being thankful for and we need to enjoy that gift.

  2. Great post! I can relate to the hardship of balancing!

    1. Tracey, I would venture to say we all can relate to life being a balancing act. Thank you!

  3. There is another saying "live life like there is no tomorrow".

    1. I like that saying too! Although, I always add that I prefer to live like there IS a tomorrow and I will be held accountable for how I spent today.

  4. NOW you have brought tears to my eyes my very dear friend.
    Thank you so much for linking up with Pondering... it means so much to me...

    I love that ying/yang keychain....

    1. I figured you would like the yingyang, Brenda, and I am in search of a special one for you ... smiles.

  5. What a lovely gesture of caring! Brenda is indeed a beautiful blog friend and I was also moved by the honesty of her post. I agree with your initial thought too, life does sometimes get in the way of living, or at least of enjoying the process, sometimes it gets in the way of blogging too! But in the end we tend to return to a place of balance where we can do some of what we must and still have time for some of what we love. Great post! :-)

    1. "Do some of what we must and some of what we love." You have a grand idea for balance there, Josie Two Shoes! Thank you.


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Blessings & a bit o' sunshine!