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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Love Story in Memoir

Perhaps I am dating myself now as I reminisce one of the greatest love stories in film which came on the screen when I was a sweet sixteen.

Have you seen the movie Love Story?

Many of us have a great love story to share (and some of us may not).

Mandee (aka DecoratingforEvents on Squidoo) shares her very own love story as an example of memoir writing.

After you have read Mandee's love story, be sure to visit her blog to learn more about her Life Story Writing.

Do you have a great love story to share?

Perhaps you might like to share a love story on your blog and link up with SHARE the LOVE today!


  1. Yes, I do remember Love Story! And, thank you so much for sharing my story with your readers. Maybe they will be inspired to write their own love story!

    1. Mandee, I loved reading your love story and it reminded me of my own "blue eyes" love story that is better left untold. (For the moment anyway!)

      I so hope you are the inspiration for many more love stories to be shared.


I appreciate your comments!
Blessings & a bit o' sunshine!