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Monday, August 23, 2010

Back-to-School Thoughts on Education

Ill Litter I See
©Ruth Cox

I ran across this photo of a school bus today. I read the photographer's comment, "This item has been decaying into the landscape forever." I couldn't help but think, Yes, as is our educational system. I thought of illiteracy ... Ill litter I see.

And what a timely reminder as many of us prepare to send our children back to school to be instructed by our educators to the tune of The Three R's - Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic. Let us all remember there are three more R's of importance - Right, Responsibility, and Respect. Education should be considered a Right for one and for all; education should be considered a Responsibility by one and by all; education should be treated with Respect by one and by all.

Education empowers. As we gain knowledge, we also gain self-confidence, self-respect, and self-satisfaction. Let us put education back on the bus and in the driver seat by encouraging the three R's and then some.

Let not our funds for education shrink; let not the numbers of our educated sink; let not our minds be left untrained to think.

NOTE: I have now put this in a postcard version as the first in a series of Postcards for a Purpose. I encourage everyone to send a postcard to their state and local representatives!

Education Empowers -- BUY NOW

Sunday, August 22, 2010

cafepress abitosunshine: Guest Giveaways -- The Vintage Nest

cafepress abitosunshine: Guest Giveaways -- The Vintage Nest: "I just ran across one of the most fabulous and creative giveaways ever and just had to share it with you! Now, do hurry over to The Vintage ..."

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Great Way to Meet and Greet at Associated Content

Tracie Walker and her Word Game

First impressions often hold true when meeting someone new; our first thoughts regarding words may do same.

I couldn't resist getting in on the Word Game and I was delighted to receive my five words from Tracie Walker. My first impression of Tracie -- delightfully fun and friendly!

I decided to immediately freewrite and share my first thoughts for each of my words. I'd planned to elaborate afterwards, but have now decided against doing such, for the moment at least, though I may do so in later posts.


Romance: Happenstance; perchance a dance of two tangling into a woven web of one; for a moment in time romance feels like taking a stance, a you and me together.

Boat: Float your boat, doing whatever floats your boat; but I must wonder do we want to float alone or at someone else's expense? Shall we sink or swim, alone or together on our boat sailing out to sea?

Expect: Expectations often lead to dissapointment; expect nothing and be surprised at the wonders received.

Cheer: Spread good cheer, (my favorite way is to spread a bit o' sunshine); you'll be delighted with it bouncing back at you at just the right time, and generally tenfold -- Cheers!

Specific: Nothing in life is purely specific, but everything in life can be terrific when we welcome with sensitivity and deversity rather than specificity.


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