Ill Litter I See
©Ruth Cox
I ran across this photo of a school bus today. I read the photographer's comment, "This item has been decaying into the landscape forever." I couldn't help but think, Yes, as is our educational system. I thought of illiteracy ... Ill litter I see.
And what a timely reminder as many of us prepare to send our children back to school to be instructed by our educators to the tune of The Three R's - Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic. Let us all remember there are three more R's of importance - Right, Responsibility, and Respect. Education should be considered a Right for one and for all; education should be considered a Responsibility by one and by all; education should be treated with Respect by one and by all.
Education empowers. As we gain knowledge, we also gain self-confidence, self-respect, and self-satisfaction. Let us put education back on the bus and in the driver seat by encouraging the three R's and then some.
Let not our funds for education shrink; let not the numbers of our educated sink; let not our minds be left untrained to think.
NOTE: I have now put this in a postcard version as the first in a series of Postcards for a Purpose. I encourage everyone to send a postcard to their state and local representatives!
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