Of late, I feel as though I am in the business of love as I seem to be looking at everything through love-addicted eyes, always keeping an eye out for the next scoop of love to share with my readers. In fact, I just finished reading an article over at Forbes.com entitled
The Business Of Love that you simply must read. It certainly sheds new light on romance finance!
Over the course of my lifetime I have become older and somewhat wiser in the ways of love. One of the most important things I have learned is that in some ways a love relationship does need to be treated like we would treat a business proposition.
The business of love is a give and take relationship. No, that does not mean on one side there are givers with takers on the other side. What it does mean is that we do business together; in turn, we give and we take. We each have wants and needs and we join forces with those who can fill the bill, much like a supply and demand deal.
A perfect example of the give and take scenario: As a writer on the Squidoo forum I often include links to products which can be purchased at Amazon.com. Unfortunately, it is against Terms Of Service to purchase products from my own article links. No problem! I simply visit a fellow Squidoo article writer friend and click on one of their links to Amazon, search for the item I want to buy, and make my purchase. The Squidoo lensmaster whose link I followed to Amazon gets credit for the sale and earns a little bit of cash! And I can rest assured that my turn to be on the receiving earnings line as a
Squidoo lensmaster will come eventually.
Another example of the business of love is doing business with family, friends, and aquaintances online and offline. We do this to help sustain the businesses of those we are committed to and of those persons we somewhat know. See how easily business and relationships are tied together?
I love doing business with those I know and now that my community of business relationships has grown immense with my internet activity, I pretty much always know someone I can do business with that is not a total stranger.
My in-the-business-of-love relationship with
Backwoods Bracelets and More is a prime example of doing business and loving the fellas with whom I am doing business. Products, service, and artistic design talent are excellent when in the hands of
Adam and Edmond (Facebook Page).
Check out those lovely paracord hand-woven crosses I ordered for Christmas--two as gifts and one for myself.
Can you guess which of the three crosses now dangles from the rear-view mirror of my car?
Earlier today I contacted Adam with a query about a yin-yang design. Within minutes Adam had shared a couple of photos of his ideas brainstorming around my ideas and my order was placed--again, a gift for a friend. Ain't love grand!
Are you in the business of love with someone?
I invite you to
SHARE the LOVE in a blog post and link up with me!